We all have  anger  issues. Some are less  angry  person while others have  anger  at an alarming stage. We need to solve the problem, right. Because  anger  makes a man devil and it leads to destruction. Everybody fears and nobody cares. I need to tell you a story about us.

It's a common story that we are dealing everyday in our life and perhaps everyone around us are dealing this. It's a story that actually describes everything but remains unnoticed. You do not need to point out at other's life as an example to describe the situation but only yours. You think you are a cool man with having many things in your life, living comfortably but have you actually discovered how much depressed or disturbed you are when you get angry ?

I'm not only saying this but I'm actually proving it right now. We have the ability to discuss on many things but we always run away from the discussions of our own autopsy of life. What happens when you feel  angry and start mumbling many things which you actually do not describe to others? That mumbling zone must be notified by your soul and then be discussed after you feel all ok around yourself. More or less we are all disturbed with something, some persons or some situations but the fact is we ignore it. This ignorance leads us to a time when we just lose control and start behaving like we have lost many things. This is the hidden nature of mind. That's the reason we sometimes hear that a normal looking people commits suicide or crime without any intention to do so! The reason of such things, they have stopped listening to themselves when the soul mumbled him a lot of time about the problem. Who will solve the matter?

You have to solve your problems by your own and trust me nobody can do this better than you. Facing problems will only solve the matter. For example, you do not know how to swim. So you go to a library and open up a book which includes the name 'How to learn swimming in 15 days'. You just read the whole book and gained enough knowledge to stand in front of the pool but do you have enough guts to jump on the pool with that book knowledge? That's 100% wrong. No matter how much you learn from the book, you will never jump without having a proper knowledge of real facts of facing water for the first time while learning swimming. Now let's repeat this from the first version.In spite of going to a library and reading that book what will happen if you try yourself in the pool with some swimming equipments around? Definitely it will help you far better than the previous idea. You life is now exactly in the same situation. You just need to face the exact reason to fight  anger and ofcourse, you have to do the best. People all around you will convince you and say that they will be there when you need them but trust me there will be no one who can help you at the prime time of your need. Find out your own depression and angry moments and discuss it with yourself, standing in front of the mirror and express yourself that you are capable of handling that situation.   

Now the main point of your situation, suppose you find yourself as the most  angry people in the world right now and you have to do something for that situation because you don't want to show your anger in front of everyone but want to get rid of that. Just do nothing. Yes it's actually right. Just do nothing and focus on your anger that how much angry can you be in the very moment you hear some disturbing voices or words, people and something else. Just counter the mumble one time and say in your mind that 'I am angry ', 'I am angry ', 'I am angry '.          This will help you to memorize that you are controlling your  anger over every situations. One important thing, no matter what happens, never shout to anyone. Because if you do so, the anger will possess you more than ever. Just control the situation and wait for the perfect moment and after some while you will see that your anger is streaming down and down. 

We often take wrong decisions while being  angry . Let's just not happen this again. We are here to find out our beloved person. When you feel so much  angry or depressed, just call up your parents and no one else. Talk with them, discuss your problems with them and share your thoughts about it. If you don't have parents or they are busy in something else, just go outside and walk around 4 miles so that you can sweat well and your anger comes down to your feet. I am just asking you not to lose control because if you do so you will never gain the control in your hand again.   

The more you think about those issues, will not solve the matter but if you start working on it, it will definitely find out the solutions and mark my word, you do not need any psychiatrist for this. They will also tell you the same thing. You need to be more patient. Help yourself at first hour and you will start your day more easier than anything else. I know you have issues but you already started hiding those from people because you feel fear of losing respect, control and faith. The fear is good. But my friend, don't make it more powerful than your mind. Perhaps if you do not judge yourself and your  anger , one day these three things will be automatically snatched away from you and you have nothing to do then.Ever think about that? Dear friend, we are all  angry persons. But we need to control it. Decision is yours. Help yourself. Trust yourself. Be happy. 

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