Words to describe a WOMAN- Best Women Motivation 2020

Hello dear pinchers.

There are so many families we see around us. So I'm going to talk about the women who live in our family. More precisely, about the woman who are married in our family. When we look around other families in society or our friend circle, or in common places like cinema theater, railway station, airport, or the couples and families that you see in parks and beaches, we normally tend to look at them and comment how happy they look. We at least think like that in our minds. But, is it actually true? We can't know how happy they really are. We can't understand just by seeing them. Too many people might be actually living in frustration. So how do they look upon their lives?I just want to ask you a single question. Do you love your life? That's the question. Are you happy in your life?

So loving life means, if they are happy with their life, they love their life. It means if they have so many futuristic plans to look forward to, then they will love their life. People who live with a hope that there are so many good things yet to happen in their lives. At the same time, if you don't have hopes, you'd feel you will live your life as it is going on right now. The third category will feel like they're fed up with their lives. There is nothing to look forward to, this is the end. Where you feel like, "My life is like this, I'm fed up with this life, I don't want this life anymore." People like that think about suicide and putting a full stop to their lives.They feel why they are living like this, facing all the difficulties and bearing the pain everyday. 

They feel they have no source of mental happiness. So it goes like this. When you don't feel content in life, it might lead to divorce or other issues. Why does it happen? If you consider from ladies side, they have a life before marriage. That would be the life with her father and mother. During that period, they are given lot of love, care and encouragement and they enjoy that time Parents will encourage their child's talents from young age itself, like dance, music, elocution, public speaking, storytelling, drawing, reading books and so on. The kid might be good at academics or sports, all of these are encouraged by our parents. People who are brought up like that would want to live in the same manner after marriage.They would expect to exhibit their capabilities in the future and have a life partner who encourages them. 

That's one thing. If the housewife didn't get what she expected, she will have lots of disappointment in her life. If the ones who seek to have a job in their lives is denied of that in future, they'll be disappointed. At the same time, there are parents who are very strict with their child rather than pampering them. Kids who live their lives in these kind of houses hope to have a good and happy life after marriage. They hope to live according to their will and wishes. What if the ones who hope for all that doesn't get it? They'll too face disappointment. That disappointment takes us to a state of depression. There are many housewives who live this life, they don't have any chance of escaping from this life. Nor do they have any independent income. They are totally dependent on their husband. They don't have any way of getting income, they are not independent. 

We can say that they are stuck in their lives. There are many women around us who live in that situation. Another important thing is that women have compartmentalized their minds with 3 different things.One of the main factors from that is their family itself. They consider everyone in the family from husband, kids, parents and so on. So that's one of their priorities. The second factor which they prioritize is their profession. Profession can be daily or normal profession as such. At the same time, taking care of her own house is also a profession. Being a housewife is a profession. She's the one who inquires and keeps track of everyone in the house, makes food and so on. She will go to market and do all the shopping, or cleaning the house and so on. A housewife has more job to do than an office person. There are women who do both household chores and go to office at a time. This is what goes on in their second compartment in their mind. 

Never pursue something with language of hate. Rather, use the language of love to try and get what you want. It should be done slowly. You should not rush into it. But never get sad. Always pursue your dreams with hope and it will definitely happen. Give your maximum to attain the support system from your family.Your life partner should also understand this concept and you should also understand it well. If you have any dreams, passions, or any unfinished desires in your life, find that. Find your strengths, your creative side and tap out your talent inside you. It can be anything from gardening, crafting, or whatever it is, you just identify it. Identify it and tap it out. After that, give the necessary encouragement for it. Never ever feel sad or think it won't happen. Always think positively for everything. 


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